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Standards in Steam-53 & 55 (soft cover)

Covering the 2-8-0 goods engines introduced between 1912 and 1925.

Features include:

  • Why some engines came ahead of others, some withsuperheaters, some without.

  • The many changes and improvements made over theyears.

  • Examination of the traffic the 310 engineshauled on many lines in New South Wales.

  • The many problems that affected the locos andthe conversion of many 55 class to burn oil.

  • A look at the related K class of theCommonwealth Railways.

Written in the authorsentertaining and authoritative style.

Fully illustrated with over 296 photographs, numerous drawings and diagrams, poems, data tables, full index.


Category: Locomotives

Publisher: Eveleigh Press

EAN/ISBN: 978-1-876568-12-2

Published: 01/07/2000

Pages: 244

Format: Softcover

Stock: Available



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Matraville NSW 2036


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