Standards in Steam-53 & 55 (soft cover)
Features include:
Why some engines came ahead of others, some withsuperheaters, some without.
The many changes and improvements made over theyears.
Examination of the traffic the 310 engineshauled on many lines in New South Wales.
The many problems that affected the locos andthe conversion of many 55 class to burn oil.
A look at the related K class of theCommonwealth Railways.
Written in the authorsentertaining and authoritative style.
Fully illustrated with over 296 photographs, numerous drawings and diagrams, poems, data tables, full index.
Category: Locomotives
Publisher: Eveleigh Press
EAN/ISBN: 978-1-876568-12-2
Published: 01/07/2000
Pages: 244
Format: Softcover
Stock: Available